A 39-year-old man was first evaluated 12 years ago for erosive erythema of the left lower eyelid. The response to topical therapy was poor. The eyelid lesion was excised on the patient's demand 6 years ago and blepharoplasty was performed. However, recurrence of erythematous plaques at the same site prompted referral to our department. Examination clinically revealed atrophic erythematous plaques and several white papules on the left lower eyelid, in addition to an atrophic erythema of the upper back. The histopathological findings of both plaques and papules were typical of discoid lupus erythematosus. Immunoserological findings suggestive of systemic lupus erythematosus were absent. The lesions improved with administration of low-dose corticosteroids. Discoid lupus erythematosus involving the eyelid is rare, and definitive diagnosis often takes considerable period of time. In patients with lesions of the eyelid such as erythema or papules that are refractory to treatment, skin biopsy and careful physical examination of the entire body for similar lesions are important.