Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is a good alternative to cadaveric liver transplantation for end-stage liver disease. Herein we report the outcome of 132 LDLTs performed between 1999 and 2005, with special emphasis on the incidence and management of acute and chronic rejection. Among the LDLT population a first acute rejection episode (ARE) was clinically suspected in 24% and proven by liver biopsy in 11%. According to the Banff classification, 50% of AREs were grade 1, and 50%, grade 2. There was no grade 3 AREs. The first ARE occurred between 7 days and 23 months posttransplantation (mean 97 days, median 70 days). Ninety-seven percent (31/32) of the AREs occurred within the first year after transplantation and 3% (1/32) in the second year. Among the patients with ARE, 23% developed a second ARE between 4 and 11 months. A third ARE was detected in 8% of patients after month 18. All AREs responded to adjustment of immunosuppressive doses or steroid boluses. Chronic rejection (CR) was detected in 2%. In conclusion, the incidences of ARE and CR are consistent with the previously reported data. Acute and chronic rejections seem to be mild and easily manageable clinical conditions. Our results also showed a significant difference between clinically suspected and biopsy-proven ARE emphasizing the importance of indicated liver biopsies in the management of the LDLT population.