We have presented here a case of atypical insulinoma. Despite the recurrent episodes of hypoglycemic symptoms, the plasma level of insulin has never been excessive at fasting or by regular provocative tests. Detailed examination had demonstrated qualitative abnormality of insulin secretion. Hyposuppressibility of insulin secretion by hypoglycemia, borderline diabetic curve of glucose tolerance test, blunted response ot insulin to glucagon and leucine were the principle characteristics of these abnormalities. After removal of adenoma, insulin response to glucose, glucagon and leucine was improved. Only secretion provoked a high level of insulin and this abnormal elevation was no longer seen after the removal of adenoma. A removed elevation was no longer seen after the removal of adenoma. A removed insulinoma contained 25 U of immunoreactive insulin per gram tissue, but was negative for aldehyde-fuchsin staining. On electromicroscopy only atypical beta-cell granules were seen.