The authors previously demonstrated that intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies (1-3 microm) in the mouse locus coeruleus under light and electron microscopy are characteristically stained using the Holmes modified method. We reported that one inclusion body existed in almost all neurons of the locus coeruleus. The present study examined whether similar inclusion bodies are present in the Syrian hamster (weight, about 60 g). Paraffin sections stained with the modified Holmes' method dis played numerous small inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of cells in the locus coeruleus. Epon sections (1 microm thick) stained using toluidine blue were observed under light microscopy, and numerous small inclusion bodies were again observed. Under electron microscopy observation, inclusion bodies (<1 microm in diameter) predominantly comprised small granular materials, similar to those described by previous investigators. Although inclusion bodies were devoid of a limiting membrane, the relation ship to cytoplasmic organelles was unclear. However, free and polyribosomes were occasionally noted in close proximity to inclusion bodies. Inclusion bodies may thus be formed from ribosomes. Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the hamster locus coeruleus differed in appearance compared with inclusion bodies in the mouse locus coeruleus.