Objective: We sought to present our experience in preventing esophageal stricture formation using modified intraluminal stenting in patients with caustic burns.
Methods: Between April 1976 and June 2005, 33 of 162 patients with corrosive esophageal burns were included in this study. Endoscopy was performed to define the degree of injury in all the patients but one. Among the 33 patients, 31 underwent modified esophageal intraluminal stenting through laparotomy 2-3 weeks after ingestion of corrosive agent and the remaining 2 patients underwent immediately after experiencing esophageal perforation.
Results: There was no death in this series. A 1-year-old child had aspiratory pneumonia because of poor compliance. The stent was removed without requiring anesthesia after it had been in situ for 4-6 months in the 33 patients. All the patients had a normal intake of food after removal of the stents, and stricture was not found on barium swallow. However, five patients had esophageal stenosis from 2 to 3 months during follow-up. One of them responded to esophageal bougienage, the remaining four patients required esophageal reconstruction and had a normal diet postoperatively. Twenty-four-hour pH monitoring in five patients showed that there was no gastroesophageal reflux.
Conclusion: The modified esophageal intraluminal stent is able to prevent the formation of caustic esophageal stricture.