Background: Breastfeeding has many advantages for both mothers and infants. Several factors related to the mother and the baby, however, have a negative effect on the initiation of breastfeeding. Mode of delivery is one of these factors. When delivery takes place by cesarean section, the mother becomes a surgical patient with all the inherent risks and problems. Cesarean delivery under general anesthesia rates are currently rising our country, but the effects of this factor on the initiation and duration of breastfeeding are unclear.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the breastfeeding process in mothers who had cesarean deliveries (CD) with those who delivered vaginally (VD).
Design: This study is an observational and comparative study.
Setting: The environment of the research was the private hospital in Istanbul.
Participants: The samples in the research were volunteer participant mothers who were delivered of healthy neonates. There were 118 incidents of CD under general anesthesia and 82 of VD chosen for the study.
Methods: Data was obtained using an "Introductory Information Form" which was prepared as suggested by related literature, and by using the "(LATCH) Breastfeeding Charting System."
Results: According to the LATCH Scoring System, the average score for the first breastfeeding was 6.27 and 8.81 for the third in CD mothers and 7.46 for the first breastfeeding and 9.70 for the third in VD mothers. Statistically meaningful differences were defined between the first (t=10.48; p<.001), second (t=7.82; p<.001), and third (t=7.12; p<.001) breastfeeding sessions in both CD and VD mothers.
Conclusions: It was found that the pattern of delivery affects breastfeeding and that CD mothers need more support and help as compared to VD mothers. CD mothers were seen to need more support, particularly in positioning their babies for breastfeeding.