Pulsed mode radiofrequency lesioning of the suprascapular nerve for the treatment of chronic shoulder pain

Pain Physician. 2003 Oct;6(4):503-6.


Suprascapular nerve blockade improves pain, range of motion, and disability in acute and chronic shoulder pain. Pain relief usually lasts several hours with local anesthetic. If steroids are added, the relief lasts several weeks. Since repetitive steroid exposure is associated with several hazards, alternative long-term therapies would be desirable. Pulsed mode radiofrequency is a non-destructive, safe, and repeatable long-term pain control therapy. We report a case, wherein a series of fluoroscopically guided, suprascapular nerve pulsed mode RF treatments were performed. Each provided 4-5 months of pain relief and improvement in shoulder function, without deterioration in muscle strength.