Mesomorphism of ionic allylpalladium(II) complexes containing pz(R2)py as ligands and [BF4]-, [PF6]- or [CF3SO3]- as counteranions

Dalton Trans. 2006 Aug 28:(32):3918-26. doi: 10.1039/b601637e. Epub 2006 May 30.


The synthesis and thermal behaviour is reported of some ionic liquid-crystalline complexes formed when a mesogenic, two-chained, pyrazolylpyridine ligand is bound to a eta3-allylpalladium(II) fragment. The phase behaviour of the complexes is dominated by the formation of the SmA phase and, while the stability of the crystal phase appears to be controlled by intermolecular solid-state interactions, the stability of the liquid crystal phases is controlled by the length of the ligand alkoxy chains. Some of the complexes also show a complex polymorphism leading to the observation of double-melting behaviour.