The identification of several ArfGAP proteins as binding partners of paxillin, an integrin signaling and scaffolding protein, has suggested the existence of molecular links between integrin functions and intracellular traffic, as proposed by MS Bretscher long ago. Among the paxillin-binding ArfGAPs, AMAP1 has recently been strongly implicated in tumor invasion as well as malignancy, owing to its highly augmented expression in tumors and its direct involvement in invasive activities. Another ArfGAP, Git2, was found to be a component of the Gbetagamma-mediated directional sensing machinery, while simultaneously playing an essential role in the suppressive control of superoxide production, which is mediated by vesicle transport in GPCR-stimulated neutrophils. These emerging molecular mechanisms may further delineate key processes regulating intracellular traffic as principal controls of cell motility and invasive activities.