Lipoprotein lipase mass in preheparin serum (preheparin LPL mass) is assumed to reflect some of the LPL production in the whole body and insulin sensitivity. While metabolic syndrome is a common underlying condition for cardiovascular diseases, biological marker of this syndrome has not been fully established. To clarify the characteristics of preheparin LPL mass in metabolic syndrome, 362 Japanese subjects were studied to examine the relationship between symptoms of metabolic syndrome and preheparin LPL mass and compare with plasma adiponectin. Furthermore the relation with urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) that reflects oxidative stress to DNA was also studied. Both preheparin LPL mass and plasma adiponectin correlated positively with HDL-cholesterol and negatively with body weight and triglyceride. Only preheparin LPL mass showed a negative correlation with fasting blood glucose and HbA1c. Both mean preheparin LPL mass and plasma adiponectin decreased with an increase in severity of the metabolic syndrome with/without obesity and with/without diabetes. The correlation coefficient between preheparin LPL mass and plasma adiponectin was r=0.562. A negative correlation between preheparin LPL mass and urinary 8-OHdG was observed. These results suggest that low preheparin LPL mass may reflect systemic oxidative stress and also a biomarker of the severity of metabolic syndrome.