Overprotection and lowered expectations of persons with disabilities: the unforeseen consequences

Work. 2006;27(2):181-8.


Lowered expectations and overprotection of the individual with a disability can cause lowered self esteem which can result in a life time of underachievement and failure to reach their full potential. Both lowered expectations and overprotection are forms of discrimination. Internalization of discrimination causes the person with a disability to believe that they are less capable than a person without a disability. Parents and care providers of children with disabilities may overprotect the child to shield them from harm; however this can actually cause more damage. Successful parenting skills are required to help children and adolescents develop a positive self concept and high self esteem. Guidelines have been developed to assist parents, educators and other professionals regarding the effects of overprotection and lowered expectations.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Adolescent
  • Adult
  • Aptitude
  • Child
  • Disabled Children / psychology*
  • Humans
  • Parenting / psychology*
  • Underachievement