A 73-year-old man had lumbago of unknown cause for several months prior to presentation. At examination prior to surgery for gastric cancer, an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) of 6 cm in maximum diameter, retroperitoneal hematoma and vertebral erosion were found on abdominal computed tomography (CT). Hematological examination revealed mild anemia and stable hemodynamics. A diagnosis of chronic contained rupture of an AAA was made and knitted Dacron bifurcated graft replacement was performed. When an intraluminal thrombosis at the posterior wall was removed, a punched-out defect (3 x 2 cm) was discovered. When the old hematoma was removed, a destroyed vertebral body was found. After surgery, the lumbago was alleviated. The patient was transferred to the Department of Surgery and a gastrectomy was performed. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful.