Cadaveric shoulders underwent thermal capsulorrhaphy and subacromial decompression with 3 different commercially available radiofrequency (RF) devices to evaluate local and regional fluid temperatures while arthroscopic procedures were being performed. Fifteen completely thawed fresh-frozen shoulders underwent both thermal capsulorrhaphy and subacromial decompression. During thermal capsulorrhaphy, Fluoroptic mini-thermometer probes (Luxtron model 3000) were placed in the inflow bag; in the glenohumeral joint, near the inferior glenohumeral ligament; and on the RF wand. During subacromial decompression, the temperature probes were placed in the anterior and posterior subacromial space, as well as in the inflow bag and on the RF wand. All data were initially analyzed by use of analysis of variance, followed by pairwise comparison, adjusted for multiple testing by use of the Scheffé method. Mean fluid temperatures (in degrees Celsius [+/- SD]) were highest at the RF wand during both capsulorrhaphy and subacromial decompression. Mean fluid temperatures were much lower at other recorded sites. In this model, we show no deleterious elevation in arthroscopic fluid temperature while performing thermal capsulorrhaphy or subacromial decompression using any of the 3 devices at their recommended settings.