We found a new variant of the streptogramin A resistance gene, vga(A)LC, in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus haemolyticus resistant to lincomycin and clindamycin but susceptible to erythromycin and in which no relevant lincosamide resistance gene was detected. The gene vga(A)LC, differing from the gene vga(A) at the protein level by seven amino acid substitutions, was present exclusively in S. haemolyticus strains resistant to both lincosamides and streptogramin A (LS(A) phenotype). Antibiotic resistance profiles of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins Vga(A)(LC) and Vga(A) in the antibiotic-susceptible host S. aureus RN4220 were compared. It was shown that Vga(A)LC conferred resistance to both lincosamides and streptogramin A, while Vga(A) conferred significant resistance to streptogramin A only. Detailed analysis of the seven amino acid substitutions, distinguishing the two related ABC proteins with different substrate specificities, identified the substrate-recognizing site: four clustered substitutions (L212S, G219V, A220T, and G226S) in the spacer between the two ATP-binding cassettes altered the substrate specificity and constituted the lincosamide-streptogramin A resistance phenotype. A transport experiment with radiolabeled lincomycin demonstrated that the mechanism of lincosamide resistance in S. haemolyticus was identical to that of the reported macrolide-streptogramin B resistance conferred by Msr(A).