Objective: This paper will explore ultimate frisbee injuries.
Method: This study uses an anonymous, retrospective, self-reported survey of 135 adult athletes at a Midwestern ultimate frisbee tournament. Subjects were queried regarding injuries to specific body parts, those causing missed activity, recurring injuries, medical care sought, basic demographic data, duration of participation, handedness, and eye color. Categorical data were analyzed by chi-square tests. Qualitative responses were categorized by themes.
Results: Respondents had a mean age of 28 years and 59% were male. Mean playing time was 8.2 hours per week and 7.5 total years. Ultimate frisbee injuries included muscle strains (76% of subjects), ankle (65%), knee (53%), shoulder (37%), head (30%), and rib (21%) injuries. Blisters/calluses and black toenails were frequently mentioned. Recurrent injuries were reported in 49%. Shoulder injuries were more common in men than women (47% versus 24%, P<0.02). Of respondents, 88% have missed ultimate frisbee activity due to injury, and 71% have sought medical care for ultimate frisbee injuries.
Conclusions: The majority of surveyed ultimate frisbee players experience injuries and seek medical care. Health care professionals should be aware of the injuries associated with ultimate frisbee and further studies should focus on prevention and education strategies.