Objective: In a retrospective analysis we discuss our experience in the treatment of olfactory neuroblastoma (ON), a rare tumor of the sinonasal tract.
Study design and setting: Nine patients with olfactory neuroblastoma were treated at the Bolognini Hospital of Seriate and at the Department of Otolaryngology of "La Sapienza" University of Rome combining endoscopic surgery and postoperative radiation therapy. All patients were staged according to Kadish criteria. No chemotherapy was administered in any cases. Local radiation therapy was started postoperatively in all the cases.
Results: All patients, over an average follow-up which ranged from 26 through 60 months, are actually alive with non evidence of disease (NED).
Conclusions: Despite the short follow-up in this small series of patients, we suggest endoscopic surgery combined with postoperative radiation therapy as an alternative to the conventional modalities of treatment for esthesioneuroblastoma in selected cases.