Objectives: There is an imperative that clinicians should employ an evidence-based approach to both clinical care and treatment, and involve patients in the decision-making process. In Britain, public policy emphasizes the importance of patient involvement, participation and partnership in health care, however little is known of the effect of evidence-based information on this. This study compares treatment decisions made by dental patients on the basis of two sources of evidence: clinician and research.
Method: Vignette method with the two sources of evidence as experimental variables. The study population was a convenience sample of dental patients recruited from a clinic waiting area at a Dental Hospital (n=100). Each participant read a vignette describing a visit to the dentist for treatment of severe toothache in a back tooth. The nature and purpose of the visit was identical in each vignette. The participants indicated their decision about possible treatment, based on the information they had been given in the vignette and rated their confidence in the decision on a three point Likert scale. Additionally participants' were asked to rate their own oral health.
Results: Research evidence influences the confidence patients have in their in decision especially when it supports clinical judgement and where individuals value their oral health. Research evidence does not replace the confidence that patients have in the dentist's clinical judgement.
Conclusion: Dental patients' willingness to engage in treatment is influenced by the dentist's clinical recommendation and the importance of oral health to the patient.