Ameloblastin (AMBN) cleavage products are the most abundant non-amelogenin proteins in the enamel matrix of developing teeth. AMBN N-terminal cleavage products accumulate in the sheath space between enamel rods, while AMBN C-terminal products localize within rods. We tested the hypothesis that MMP-20 is the protease that cleaves AMBN. Glycosylated recombinant porcine AMBN (rpAMBN) was expressed in human kidney 293F cells, and recombinant porcine enamelysin (rpMMP-20) was expressed in bacteria. The purified proteins were incubated together at an enzyme:substrate ratio of 1:100. N-terminal sequencing of AMBN digestion products determined that rpMMP-20 cleaved rpAMBN after Pro(2), Gln(130), Gln(139), Arg(170), and Ala(222). This shows that MMP-20 generates the 23-kDa AMBN starting at Tyr(223), as well as the 17-kDa (Val(1)-Arg(170)) and 15-kDa (Val(1)-Gln(130)) AMBN cleavage products that concentrate in the sheath space during the secretory stage. We conclude that MMP-20 processes ameloblastin in vitro and in vivo.