Objectives: The objectives of this study were to estimate the incidence of genital warts and treatment costs in women consulting gynaecologists in France in 2005.
Patients and methods: A prospective observational study was performed through a representative sample of gynaecologists. Investigators enrolled all patients seen with genital warts during a 2-month period. A questionnaire detailing socio-demographic characteristics, case description, patient's clinical profile, past/ current management, and treatment of genital warts was completed by the investigators.
Results: 212 gynaecologists participated in the study. Questionnaires were completed for 263 patients including 198 (75.3%) new cases, 53 (20.2%) recurrent cases and 12 (4.5%) resistant cases. The overall incidence was estimated at 228.9/100,000 (female 15-65year old population) corresponding to 47,755 cases annually managed by gynaecologists in France. The average treatment cost was 482.70euro for society and 342.40 euro for third-party payers. The annual direct cost of genital warts management was estimated at 23,051,339euro, of which 16,351,312euro was funded by the French health care system.
Discussion and conclusion: The costs of treating genital warts are considerable. The introduction of a quadrivalent (type 6,11,16,18) Human Papillomavirus vaccine including types responsible for 90% of genital warts could potentially substantially reduce these costs.