Purpose: This is a report on a pilot study of small writing groups to assist in long-term adaptation after stroke onset.
Method: 26 stroke survivors participated in a small group experience to write a short essay to be published about their recovery. The sample consisted of middle-aged, well-educated participants who were several years post stroke and were self-selected by interest and experience in writing. The sample was evenly divided between men and women, and minority racial groups were adequately represented. Essays were published on a website and clustered in themes about coping with recovery and personal growth/changes in self-concept.
Results: The group experience was well received by participants. Objective measures showed a trend toward improvement in positive identity and no significant change in depression or well-being. Significant differences found between subgroups (improved vs. declined; aphasia vs. no aphasia) are discussed. Anecdotal observations of the group process and implications for practice and further research are provided.