Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the topical anesthetic effect of 20% benzocaine gel with 2.5% lidocaine/2.5% prilocaine (L/P) cream and gel on the pain experienced during palatal anesthetic infiltration.
Study design: Two groups were studied, each containing 20 subjects. Two types of L/P mixtures were tested, an anesthetic cream (EMLA) and a thermosetting gel (Oraqix), and benzocaine was used as control. The topical agents were applied on the palatal mucosa at the canine region. A needle prick was given on each side every 2 minutes during a period of 10 minutes. The subjects recorded their findings using verbal and VAS scales.
Results: Pain scores were significantly less (P < .05) with EMLA and Oraqix than with benzocaine.
Conclusion: Topical application of EMLA and Oraqix before palatal anesthetic infiltration is associated with less pain than with benzocaine gel.