Castleman's disease (CD) is an atypical lymphoproliferative disorder. Since it was first described in 1956, it has been referred to as follicular lympho-reticuloma, angiofollicular mediastinal lymph node hyperplasia, and benign giant lymphoma. CD is a heterogeneous disease that can be either localized or systemic (multicentric). The localized form can be divided into two types: the hyaline-vascular (HV) type or the plasma cell (PC) type. The former usually produces few symptoms and histological features include abnormal follicles and increased interfollicular vascularity. The PC type, in which, histopathologically, the presence of sheets of mature plasma cells is the distinguishing feature, is more likely to produce clinical symptoms such as fever, night sweats, and lymphadenopathy. The multicentric form mimics the PC type of localized CD, and patients present with systemic symptoms. In this report, we discuss the spectrum of clinical and pathological findings in localized and multicentric CD.