Complementation of insertion mutants showed that the polypeptides FatD, FatC, FatB, and FatA are essential for the iron-transport process encoded by pJM1. Sequence analysis followed by homology studies indicated that transport of ferric anguibactin into Vibrio anguillarum 775 follows the same mechanism as reported for transport of Fe(3+)-hydroxamates, Fe(3+)-catecholates, ferric dicitrate, and vitamin B12 into Escherichia coli. Homology of FatA, part of the receptor complex, to seven E. coli receptor proteins involved in uptake of siderophores and vitamin B12 supports the idea of a common ancestral gene. A "TonB-Box" was found in FatA suggesting the existence of a TonB-like protein function in V. anguillarum. A high homology in the primary structure of FatB to FhuD, FecB, FepB, and BtuE suggests that FatB is the anguibactin-binding protein located in the periplasmic space. FatD and FatC are polytopic integral membrane proteins. According to their homologies to other proteins from other transport systems, they may be involved in the translocation of ferric anguibactin across the cytoplasmic membrane.