Study objectives: Brief arousals have been systematically scored during sleep for more than 20 years. Despite significant knowledge concerning the importance of arousals for the sleep process in normal subjects and patients, comprehensive age norms have not been published.
Methods: Seventy-six normal subjects (40 men) without sleep apnea or periodic limb movements of sleep, aged 18 to 70 years, slept in the sleep laboratory for 1 or more nights. Sleep and arousal data were scored by the same scorer for the first night (comparable to clinical polysomnograms) and summarized by age decade.
Results: There were no statistically significant differences for sex or interaction of sex by age (p > .5 for both). The mean arousal index increased as a function of age. Newman-Keuls comparisons (.05) showed arousal index in the 18- to 20-year and 21- to 30-year age groups to be significantly less than the arousal index in the other 4 age groups. Arousal index in the 31-to 40-year and 41-to 50-year groups was significantly less than the arousal index in the older groups. The arousal index was significantly negatively correlated with total sleep time and all sleep stages (positive correlation with stage 1 and wake).
Conclusions: Brief arousals are an integral component of the sleep process. They increase with other electroencephalographic markers as a function of age. They are highly correlated with traditional sleep-stage amounts and are related to major demographic variables. Age-related norms may make identification of pathologic arousal easier.