Changing trends in sexually transmitted diseases in North Eastern India

Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2002 Mar-Apr;68(2):65-6.


A retrospective data analysis was carried out to find the trends in frequency and distribution of different STDs in North Eastern (NE) India during 1995-1999. The commonest STD was chancroid (25.7%) followed by condylomata acuminata (CA), nongonococcal urethritis (NGU), lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), syphilis, gonorrhoea (GONO), herpes genitalis (HG), mixed infection (MI) and balanoposthitis (BP). Interestingly no case of donovanosis (Dono) was seen. HIV infection accounted for 9.62% of the total STD patients. A comparison of the present data with that reported a decade back (1986-1990) revealed a sharp decline in the incidence of syphilis, chancroid, GONO, whereas a conspicuous upward trend in CA and NGU. Factors responsible for these variations are analysed briefly.