Health care workers (HCW) are at a risk of occupational acquisition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, primarily due to accidental exposure to infected blood and body fluids. In our general public hospital, over a period of one year (June 2000 - 2001) a total number of 38 self reported incidences of needlestick injuries and other exposures to patient's blood and body fluids were reported by HCWs. A greater incidence of occupational exposure was seen in surgery residents as compared to medicine residents. Till date, i.e. in one and a half-year follow up period, no seroconversion was seen in any of the reported accidental injury cases. This data emphasizes, that needle stick injuries present the single greatest risk to medical personnel and the importance of increased awareness and training in universal safety precautions (USP), for prevention of nosocomial infection.