Although it has been almost 20 years since recorded evidence of multiple orgasms among women emerged, there have been few recent investigations of this phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to understand further the female multiorgasmic experience in relationship to the method of stimulatory activity, namely, masturbation, petting, and sexual intercourse. In addition, single-orgasmic and multiorgasmic women were compared by examination of various sexual and orgasmic behaviors, the role of sex partners, and perceptions of physiological and psychological sexual satisfaction. An anonymous 122-item questionnaire was utilized to obtain the responses of 805 college-educated female nurses, chosen for their perceived ability to verbalize data regarding the anatomical structures and physiological processes associated with sexual responsiveness. The findings indicated that 42.7% of the respondents had experienced multiple orgasms and that several significant differences existed between single-orgasmic and multiorgasmic women.