Purpose: To determine if acupuncture performed during the follicular phase and luteal phase but not on the day of embryo transfer could improve the outcome following IVF-ET compared to controls.
Methods: Acupuncture was started biweekly from day 5 of the follicular phase through the luteal phase but not on the day of the transfer. Controls were matched according to age, same number of previous failed IVF cycles and same type of embryo transfer (fresh or frozen).
Results: The clinical and ongoing (delivered pregnancy rates per transfer) for 32 women undergoing IVF-ET and acupuncture was 40.6% and 37.5%, respectively vs 53.1% and 43.7% for controls. The median number of previous failed IVF cycles was three.
Conclusions: Acupuncture performed twice weekly during the follicular and luteal phase does not seem to improve pregnancy rates following IVF-ET.