Objective: To address the question whether dental pulp cells of exfoliating human deciduous teeth have some roles for controlling or regulating the root resorption via secreting key molecules (OPG, RANKL, CSF-1, TGFbeta, MCP-1 and Cbfa-1) in osteoclastogenesis, we used a sensitive reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method for detection of mRNA expressions for the cytokines listed.
Study design: The dental pulps were retrieved from incisor and molar teeth in the late stage of shedding (n = 30) and from sound premolar teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons (control group; n = 30). The RT-PCR assays were used to identify targeted gene expression.
Results: Of the cytokines examined, RANKL and CSF-1 expressions showed significantly higher occurrence in deciduous dental pulps than in permanent teeth pulpal tissues (P < .040).
Conclusions: The findings may suggest an interactive role for pulp tissue cells in the physiologic root resorption process. The cells of dental pulp may have some cytokine-producing cells which mediate monocyte-macrophage lineage to form osteo/odontoclasts, and the RANKL/RANK system might be involved in human deciduous teeth resorption.