RU486 and ONO 802 in combination have been shown to be effective in early termination of pregnancy. Anecdotal information suggests that Chinese women have been using herbs to induce abortion, believing that such medication and means of abortion is less harmful to the body than surgery. Hence, a medical means of abortion using RU486 and ONO 802 may be the method of choice for some Chinese women. A pilot study involving 42 Chinese women in Hong Kong was conducted to explore the reasons for acceptance or refusal of RU486 and ONO 802 as abortifacient agents. It was found that more single women chose the medical method for abortion, the main reasons being fear of trauma to the body due to surgery and the feeling of having undergone menstrual regulation rather than having had an abortion with the medical method. Those who refused the treatment were worried about the efficacy and side effects of the new drugs and the long induction-abortion interval. There were 3 failures in the medical group of 23 women. All these 23 women were gland they had chosen the medical abortion method. Twenty-one out of the 23 women said they would choose the same abortion method again. The practice of the use of Chinese herbs was not more common in this group of women as compared to women who did not choose this method of abortion.
PIP: RU486 and ONO 802 in combination have been shown to be effective in early termination of pregnancy. Anecdotal information suggests that Chinese women have been using herbs to induce abortion, believing that such medication and means of abortion is less harmful to the body than surgery. Thus, a medical means of abortion using both may be the method of choice for some Chinese women. A pilot study involving 42 Chinese women in Hong Kong was conducted to explore the reasons for acceptance or refusal of RU486 and ONO 802 as abortifacient agents. It was found that more suitable women chose the medical method for abortion, the main reasons being fear of trauma to the body during surgery and the feeling of having undergone menstrual regulation rather than having had an abortion with the medical method. Those who refused the treatment were worried about the efficiency and side effects of the new drugs and the long induction-abortion interval. There were 3 failures in the medical group of 23 women. All 23 were glad they has chosen the medical abortion method. 21 of 23 women said they would choose the same abortion method again. The practice of the use of Chinese herbs was not more common in this group of women when compared to women who did not choose this method of abortion.