Purpose: Investigation of the correlation between document supply by INIST-CNRS (Institut National de l'Information Scientifique et Technique) and citations of 89 pharmacology and pharmacy periodicals in 1992-2004. Investigation of the influence of electronic periodicals.
Methods: Analysis of the cards of document supply-citation correlation for the 89 periodicals during 13 years. Making of four groups of periodicals.
Results: The four groups are respectively made of 19, 16, 47 and 7 periodicals from the most supplied and cited (the more expensive and aged) to the less supplied and cited. Their characteristics are analysed taking into account their evolution during 1992-2004. The periodical Thérapie is in the group of periodicals very supplied but less cited.
Conclusion: The correlation between document supply and citations decreases during the investigated time and is influenced by the coming of electronic periodicals.