Etched-metal, composite resin-bonded, fixed partial dentures, as described in the early 1980s, gained an immediate application and popularity in restorative dentistry. This initial report presents the results of the first 5 years of a 10-year longitudinal study of these restorations. A total of 71 fixed partial dentures, ranging in use from 13 to 65 months, that were placed at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Dentistry using consistent design parameters and restorative techniques have been analyzed. The results of this initial report indicate: (1) bonded fixed partial dentures are technique-sensitive; (2) optimal success requires meticulous attention to procedural detail; (3) anterior bonded fixed partial dentures do not appear to need routine 180-degree-plus circumferential retainer preparation for predictable success; (4) posterior bonded fixed partial dentures appear to require 180-degree-plus circumferential preparation for predictable success; (5) for single-tooth posterior replacements or single-to-double tooth anterior replacements, bonded fixed partial dentures are a viable alternative to conventional fixed partial dentures when intact abutments exist; and (6) most failures occurred within the first year.