Background: To determine the frequency of essential cardiovascular risk factors in different vascular ocular diseases. -
Methods: We compiled cardiovascular risk factor findings (RFs) from 416 patients with non-inflammatory ocular vascular occlusions in a retrospective study: 134 patients with BRAO, 253 patients with CRAO, and 29 patients with hemi-CRAO. 274 (65.9 %) male and 142 (34.1 %) female patients were examined. Mean age of all patients was 66 years (range: 18-90). The right eye was involved in 221 (53.1 %), left eye in 193 (46.4 %), and both eyes in 2 patients (0.5 %). -
Results: Cardiovascular risk factors (RFs) were found in 243 patients. Three hundred and eight (308) out of 406 patients (75.9 %) presented with arterial hypertension. Hypertension was present in 96 patients with BRAO (73.8 %), in 197 patients with CRAO (79.8 %), and in 15 patients with hemi-CRAO (78.9 %). - RFs such as arterial hypertension, carotid artery diseases, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, and chronic smoking did not differ statistically between patients with BRAO, CRAO or hemi--CRAO. But visible emboli in retinal arteries were observed in patients with BRAO (47 %,), or hemi-CRAO (41.4 %), much more often than in patients with CRAO (11.1 %). -
Conclusions: No statistical differences between the RFs of patients with BRAO, CRAO, or hemi-CRAO were noted. We maintain that every patient with retinal arterial obstruction should undergo extensive examination of essential RFs.