100-W quasi-continuous-wave diode radially pumped microchip composite Yb:YAG laser

Opt Lett. 2002;27(20):1791-3. doi: 10.1364/ol.27.001791.


A diode radially pumped microchip Yb:YAG laser that consists of an Yb-doped core surrounded by undoped YAG of a slab shape is presented. Quasi-continuous-wave pumping of a 10-at. % Yb-doped core of 2 mmx2 mm square shape with pulses of 5-Hz repetition rate and 2.5% duty cycle delivers 66-W output peak power at 220-W input pump power with 0.49 slope efficiency. The best results, 112-W peak power with 0.63 slope efficiency and 0.38 optical-to-optical efficiency, were obtained with a 1.2 mmx1.2 mm square 15-at. % at Yb:YAG core.