Generation of 90-fs pulses from a mode-locked diode-pumped Yb(3+):Ca(4)GdO(BO(3))(3) laser

Opt Lett. 2000 Mar 15;25(6):423-5. doi: 10.1364/ol.25.000423.


A diode-pumped Yb>(3+):Ca(4)GdO(BO>(3))(3) (Yb:GdCOB) laser generating 90-fs pulses at a center wavelength of 1045 nm is demonstrated. This is, to our knowledge, the shortest pulse duration obtained from an ytterbium laser with a crystalline host. This laser is mode locked with a high-finesse semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror and emits 40 mW of average power at a repetition rate of 100 MHz.