Objective: Integrin scintimammography with NC100692 and a dedicated gamma-camera, LumaGEM, based on semi-conductor technology, was performed to investigate the detection ability of this combination in breast cancer.
Methods: Eight patients with a high suspicion of breast cancer were administered 600-750 MBq (99m)Tc-labelled NC100629. Two acquisitions using a cranio-caudal and a lateral view were used, with moderate compression of the breast.
Results: LumaGEM scintigraphy revealed 9 of 11 malignancies, sized 6-20 mm. Two lesions in patients with multicentric disease were not diagnosed, one of which measured only 2.5 mm. In one patient, the procedure was inconclusive, due to major breast hypertrophy.
Conclusion: The combined use of NC100629 and a dedicated gamma-camera for breast imaging was highly effective in diagnosing breast cancer.