The aim of this study was to determine the output of salbutamol nebulised in combination with either flunisolide or beclometasone dipropionate (BDP) from two different nebulisers under simulated breathing conditions. The BimboNeb and Nebula nebulisers were used to nebulise 3.0 mL of the two drug mixtures (salbutamol, 5000 microg plus either flunisolide, 600 microg, or BDP, 800 microg). Particle size was determined by inertial impaction. Total outputs of all drugs from both nebulisers were measured using a sinus flow pump under simulated paediatric and adult breathing patterns. The mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) of BDP particles from the mixture was 6.34 mum using the BimboNeb and 5.34 mum using the Nebula. Values for salbutamol in this mixture were 3.93 and 3.32 microm, respectively. The MMAD of flunisolide particles from the BimboNeb and Nebula were 3.74 and 3.65 microm, respectively, while for salbutamol were 3.79 and 3.74 microm, respectively. With the simulated adult breathing pattern, all drug outputs from both mixtures were greater from the BimboNeb than from the Nebula after 5 and 10 min' nebulisation. Drug delivery from the BimboNeb, but not the Nebula, was affected by the simulated breathing pattern. Outputs with the BimboNeb were lower with the paediatric breathing pattern than with the adult pattern. In the majority of cases, nebulising for 10 min produced significantly greater drug output than after 5 min. For the Nebula, outputs were generally similar at 5 and 10 min, irrespective of the breathing pattern. These results highlight the need to assess the amount of aerosolised drug available when drugs are combined, when different nebulisers are used and when they are used with patients of different ages.