Surgery is widely accepted as an effective therapy for selected individuals with medically refractory epilepsy. Numerous studies in the past 20 years have reported seizure freedom for at least 1 year in 53-84% of patients after anteromesial temporal lobe resections for mesial temporal lobe sclerosis, in 66-100% of patients with dual pathology, in 36-76% of patients with localised neocortical epilepsy, and in 43-79% of patients after hemispherectomies. Reported rates for non-resective surgery have been less impressive in terms of seizure freedom; however, the benefit is more apparent when reported in terms of significant seizure reductions. In this Review, we consider the outcomes of surgery in adults and children with epilepsy and review studies of neurological and cognitive sequelae, psychiatric and behavioural outcomes, and overall health-related quality of life.