Epithelial V-like antigen (EVA), a CD3-binding immunoglobulin-like protein, regulates embryonic thymic development. Here we demonstrate that EVA is expressed in choroid plexus from mature immune competent and lymphocyte-deficient (RAG-/-) mice. Choroid plexus epithelial cells from RAG-/- mice demonstrated reduced junctional integrity and enhanced permeability that was associated with decreased expression of E-cadherin and EVA mRNA as compared to wild-type mice. Following iv infusion of an anti-CD3 antibody (145-2C11) that also binds EVA, expression of E-cadherin and EVA mRNA approached levels seen in wild-type mice. Immuno-fluorescent staining for cadherin also revealed decreased expression in untreated RAG-/- mice that could be increased by 145-2C11 treatment. Expression of mouse EVA in HEK-293 cells followed by challenge with 145-2C11 resulted in increased cytosolic calcium that was not seen in control cells. These results suggest that EVA expressed in choroid plexus cells may regulate the permeability of the blood-CSF barrier.