Introduction: The validity of using European reference equations in the interpretation of spirometry results in Algerian patients has not been assessed.
Aims: (i) to establish Algerian spirometric reference equations and (ii) to compare them with European ones.
Methods: A medical questionnaire was administered. Gender, age, height, weight, lean mass (LM), percentage of fat mass (%FM) and body mass index (BMI) were noted. Spirometric variables were measured using a body plethysmograph according to international guidelines. Simple and multiples linear regressions were performed. The measured forced expiratory volume (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and the ratio between FEV1 and slow vital capacity (FEV1/SVC) were compared with those predicted from European reference equations.
Results: 273 healthy subjects (120 women) were included (age: 42+/-14 years; height: 1.69+/-0.10 m; weight: 74+/-13 kg; LM: 59+/-10 kg;%FM: 21+/-6%; BMI: 26+/-6 Kg.m-2). (i) Algerian reference equations explained 17% to 68% of the variability of parameters tested. (ii) The European reference equations significantly underestimated the measured FEV1, FVC and the FEV1/SVC ratio (respectively, 0.38+/-0.45 L, 0.36+/-0.55 L, and 0.01+/-0.06).
Conclusion: The use of Algerian spirometric reference equations should improve the accuracy of lung function interpretation in this population.