Objective: To postulate a possible role of MUC1 and sialylated mucins (sTn) in prostate malignancy.
Study design: One sample histologic paraffin block of 24 radical prostatectomies was selected for presence of both benign and malignant glands; 17 samples also included PIN. Serial cuts were stained with MUC1 and sTn mouse monoclonal antibodies. Description and percentage of cell expression for MUC1 and sTn antibodies were obtained by light microscopy.
Results: MUC1 immunostaining was more often positive for neoplastic cells, progressively from benign (4.7+/-5.3%) to PIN (27.1+/-19.7%) and malignant glands (34.5+/-28.4%). The same observation was made for sTn, respectively, from 3.9+/-4.9% to 54.8+/-26.1% and 62.8+/-25.6%. Both antibodies showed a statistical difference between benign glands and PIN or malignant glands but not between PIN and malignant.
Conclusion: MUC1 and sTn were expressed more intensely in PIN and malignant prostate glands than in benign glands. sTn seemed more specific in favor of cell malignancy.