Use of Erythropoietin in the Correction of Anemia in Pre-dialysis Patients

Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 1995 Jul-Sep;6(3):298-303.


Anemia is a well recognized complication of chronic renal failure (CRF). Although the use of erythropoietin (EPO) in the treatment of anemia in patients on dialysis is well established, its use in pre-dialysis patients is less well recognized. The preferred route of administration of EPO in pre-dialysis patients is subcutaneous and it is indicated in any patient with CRF who is symptomatic of anemia. Studies have shown that EPO is effective in correcting anemia in these patients with a considerable improvement in quality-of-life scores. There have been no deleterious effects on blood pressure or rate of decline of renal function. However, these two indices should be monitored closely. Common causes of treatment failure include iron deficiency, blood loss and occult sepsis. The available evidence indicates that EPO therapy is safe and effective in the treatment of anemia in pre-dialysis patients.