Aim: To review of the difference in the health condition between 8020 achievers and 8020 non-achievers covering 25 papers which were published mainly in Japan.
Background: A campaign targeting the elderly to retain at least 20 teeth by the time they reach the age of 80 years (8020) has been in place since 1991 in Japan.
Results: The percentage of 8020 achievers increased from 10.9% in 1993, 15.3% in 1999 and 24.1% in 2005. The 8020 achievers had a tendency towards a strict upbringing and were not fond of sweets in their childhood. Physical indices such as height, weight, BMI score, bone mineral density, balance ability, grip strength, and exercise function in the 8020 achievers were better than the 8020 non-achievers. A close inverse relationship between the number of teeth and heart rate was recognised. The food intake survey showed that 8020 achievers ate many kinds of food. However, these foods were those with less kilocalories and lower levels of carbohydrate. The 8020 achievers had good activity in daily life (ADL) level, were satisfied with life, and had a higher cumulative survival rate. Oral health conditions including periodontal condition, masticatory ability, occlusal force, occlusal and maxillofacial forms in the 8020 achievers were better than the 8020 non-achievers.