The genus Rhodiola (Crassulaceae) consists of more than 100 species. They grow mainly in Tibet, China and Mongolia and are traditionally used as tonic, adaptogen, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory drugs. The best known is Rhodiola rosea (R. rosea) now cultivated also in Europe and North America, and present on the market as dietary supplement. Some authors reported anti-tumor activity of R. rosea extracts. Recently, we have published some data on immunomodulatory and antiangiogenic properties of R. rosea. Rhodiola quadrifida (R. quadrifida) belongs to the same family, but is almost not known in Europe, and there is no information about its possible anti-tumor as well as immunotropic and angiotropic activity. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of 50% hydro-alcoholic extract from rhizomes of R. quadrifida (Mongolian origin) and its main biologically active compound salidroside on tumor-induced angiogenesis. Angiogenesis was induced in the skin of Balb/c mice by grafting of syngeneic L-1 sarcoma cells. Mice were fed R. quadrifida extract or salidroside in daily doses 40, 200 and 400 microg, or 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 microg, respectively. After 72 hours, mice were sacrificed with lethal dose of Morbital. All newly formed blood vessels were identified and counted in dissection microscope.
Results: It was found that R. quadrifida extract and salidroside highly significantly decreased neovascular reaction in all doses applied.