Background: In hemiparetic individuals, sit-to-stand (STS) transfer is characterized by asymmetric weight-bearing and altered trunk kinematics that can be improved by positioning the affected foot behind the nonaffected one.
Objective: To examine the influence of frontal trunk kinematics on medio-lateral displacements of the center of pressure (CP) during STS performed with the feet placed in 2 different positions, as well as relationships between these parameters, medio-lateral stability, and clinical scores of the participants.
Methods: Eighteen patients with chronic stroke and 15 control individuals were evaluated during sit-to-stand transfers either in spontaneous foot position or with their affected or dominant foot placed behind, respectively. Medio-lateral CP, pelvis, and shoulder displacement were analyzed using 3D kinematic and kinetic data recordings of the whole task. Motor and sensory impairment, spasticity, muscle strength, and equilibrium were evaluated by standard scales. The possible time during which a participant could prevent a fall (minimal time-to-contact) was used as a stability index.
Results: Spontaneously, the deviation of the CP of stroke participants paralleled the tilt of the trunk toward the nonaffected side, as early as the first third of the task. With the affected foot placed behind, trunk position did not differ from those of control participants who executed the transfer spontaneously. Hemiparetic participants were less stable than control participants. Placement of the feet had no significant effect on the stability of either group. Stability was strongly associated with better motor scores on the Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment.
Conclusions: In hemiparetic individuals, improving STS symmetry by positioning the affected foot behind the nonaffected one did not decrease medio-lateral stability, which was associated with the level of stroke-related motor impairments.