1. Reciprocal inhibition between elbow flexor and extensor muscles (biceps and triceps brachii) has been investigated in nine healthy subjects. Two techniques were used to assess changes in motoneurone excitability after stimulation of antagonist muscle afferents: (1) monosynaptic reflexes elicited by a mechanical stimulation of the distal muscle tendon (tendon tap); (2) post-stimulus time histograms (PSTH) of voluntarily activated motor units. 2. Electrical stimulation of the antagonist muscle nerve produced a short-latency and short-lasting inhibition of the flexor and extensor motoneurones. The amount of this inhibition was found to be similar in both motor nuclei. 3. The inhibition could be evoked with conditioning electrical stimuli as low as 0.7 x motor threshold (MT) or by very weak tendon taps applied to the antagonist tendon. In the former case the threshold of this inhibition was found to be consistently increased after raising the threshold of Ia afferent fibres by a long-lasting muscle vibration. Since a contribution from cutaneous afferent fibres was ruled out, it is concluded that this inhibition was Ia in origin. 4. Post-stimulus time histograms of voluntarily activated triceps and biceps motor units were made following electrical stimulation of homonymous and antagonist muscle afferents. This enabled an estimate of the central synaptic delay of the inhibitory process. An average central delay of 0.94 ms in excess of that of monosynaptic facilitation was found, thus suggesting that the inhibitory process could be mediated by only one interneurone. 5. A conditioning reflex discharge elicited in the antagonist muscle by a tendon tap depressed or suppressed this inhibition. This depression was maximal when the reflex discharge was elicited 10-20 ms before the conditioning stimulus for the inhibition and never lasted more than 30 ms. It is argued that the only mechanism compatible with such a depression is the inhibitory activity of Renshaw cells acting on the pathway mediating reciprocal inhibition. 6. We conclude that group Ia afferent fibres from elbow extensor and flexor muscles project monosynaptically onto Ia inhibitory interneurones to mediate disynaptic reciprocal inhibition of antagonist motoneurones.