The solvent extraction of alkali metal picrates with 4,13-N,N'-dibenzyl-4,13-diaza-18-crown-6

Talanta. 1998 Sep;47(1):229-36.


Extraction of alkali metal picrates with N,N'-dibenzyl-18-crown-6 was carried out, with dichloromethane as water-immiscible solvent, as a function [ligand]/[metal cation]. The extractability of metal picrates (Li(+), Na(+), K(+), Rb(+), Cs(+)) was evaluated as a function of [L]/[M(+)]. The extractability of complex cation-picrate ion pairs decreases in this sequence: Li(+)>Rb(+)>Cs(+)>K(+)>Na(+). The overall extraction equilibrium constants (K(ex)) for complexes of N,N'-dibenzyl-18-crown-6 with alkali metal picrates between dichloromethane and water have been determined at 25 degrees C. The values of the extraction constants (logK(ex)) were determined to be 10.05, 6.83, 7.12, 7.83, 6.73 for Li(+), Na(+), K(+), Rb(+) and Cs(+) compounds, respectively. DB186 shows almost 2-fold extractability against Li(+) compared to the other metal picrates, whereas it shows no obvious extractability difference amongst the other metal cations when [L]/[M(+)] is 0.2-1. However, an increasing extractability is observed for Cs(+) when [L]/[M(+)] [1].