Objectives: The aim of this study is to survey parental report of screening signs of auditory processing problem in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children and its association with gender and co-morbidity with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and separation anxiety (SAD).
Methods: 104 children and adolescents referrals to the child and adolescent psychiatry clinic were interviewed. The auditory processing problem checklist asked parents to indicate their child's reaction to sounds. It screens signs of two aspects of auditory processing problem including hypersensitivity to sounds (HES) (or auditory defensiveness) and hyposensitivity to sound (HOS) (under-registers).
Results: The mean age of the children was 8.5 (SD=1.8). Children with ODD had significantly higher HES, HOS and the whole checklist mean scores. Subtypes of ADHD were not associated with the auditory processing problems.
Conclusions: ADHD children with ODD are likely to be at a significant risk for manifesting both of the auditory processing problem including defensiveness and auditory hyposensitivity to sounds. Auditory processing problems do not differentiate different subtypes of ADHD.