In this report, the Commission provides biokinetic and dosimetric models for 33 radiopharmaceuticals, as well as recommendations related to breast feeding for mothers who have undergone a nuclear medicine investigation. The report is based on Addenda 3-9 to Publication 53. Addenda 3-7 have been available on the ICRP website ( as interim reports. The work has been carried out by a Joint Task Group of ICRP Committees 2 and 3. This publication provides biokinetic models, absorbed doses, and effective doses for the following radiopharmaceuticals: 11C-acetate; 11C-amino acids; 11C-brain receptor substances; 11C-methionine; 18F-amino acids; 18F-FET; 18F-FDG; 111In-monoclonal antibodies/fragments; 123I-fatty acids (BMIPP, IPPA); 123I-monoclonal antibodies/fragments; 131I-monoclonal antibodies/fragments; and 201Tl-ion. The publication also provides realistic maximum models for 11C- and 18F-substances, for which no specific models are available.