Novel botanical ingredients for beverages

Clin Dermatol. 2009 Mar-Apr;27(2):210-6. doi: 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2008.11.003.


Natural substances are generally preferred over chemical ones and are generally seen as healthy. The increasing demand for natural ingredients, improving health and appearance, is also attracting beverages as the fastest growing segment on the functional food market. Functional beverages are launched as fortified water, tea, diary or juices claiming overall nutrition, energy, anti-aging or relaxing effects. The substitution of so called superfruits, such as berries, grapes, or pomegranate delivers an effective range of beneficial compounds, including vitamins, fatty acids, minerals, and anti-oxidants. In this context, new exotic and African fruits could be useful sources in the near future. Teas and green botanicals, such as algae or aloe vera are also rich in effective bioactives and have been used traditionally. The botanical kingdom offers endless possibilities.

MeSH terms

  • Beverages*
  • Commerce
  • Fruit*
  • Humans
  • Plants*
  • Tea


  • Tea